

Providing the best standard of residential services tailored to the diverse needs of the residents we support.


Within the respite service friends are made, confidence is built, and a freedom of expression encouraged.


A bespoke, person-centred service specifically designed to meet the needs of the individual


A social enterprise initiative that supports employment for our service users and local environmental demands.

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Investing in a local charity offers benefits to not only the charity, but to the organisation making the investment.


Without the generosity of the public, the lives of Les Amis’ residents would not be as full.


Your legacy can continue to make a real difference to people’s lives.

About Les Amis

Our Organisation

Les Amis – supporting and empowering Islanders with learning disabilities since 1975.

Our Board and Trustees

The leadership team ensures that Les Amis continues to deliver and improve its high-quality care services.

Les Amis is James and Amy

Les Amis’ love birds let us in on their meet-cute story over a pint at their local.

Les Amis is Martin and Alex

Colleagues and teammates: Saving the world by day and saving goals for Les Amis FC by night.

Les Amis is Sinead and Tia

Meet more Les Amis Legends: One is on a journey of independence; the other, career development - both supported by Les Amis.

Les Amis is Simon and Paul

Get to know our Les Amis Legends – this father and son duo is supported by and supports Les Amis.

Jersey Hospice and Les Amis facilitate advance care planning workshop through art

Jan 14, 2024

Gail Edwards, Nurse Champion at Jersey Hospice Care, who is trained in leading the No Barriers Here workshops, worked with Les Amis' Registered Managers, Alison Brolly and Donna Bentley, to deliver three workshops using arts-based methods to engage Les Amis residents in advance care planning.

Marguerite, who is a resident with Les Amis relished the experience: "I like my music and I made a drawing of how I would like ABBA to be played to me while I'm in hospital. I've loved this and I would like to do some more of it."

Alison commented: "By using arts and crafts, our residents have been able to express their own choices and wishes, and voiced what they want for their end-of-life care."

Another Les Amis resident, Val, spoke positively of her workshop experience to media: "I've drawn how I would like to play my video games and I've also drawn how I want to be with my family. I'm happy that people know what I want to happen when I die. I've got a toy dog and I've shown that I want to be buried with him because of these workshops."

Gail remarked: "It's been mind-boggling to see that even people who have difficulties with communication, especially the non-verbal residents here, can do this creative work and show what their care preferences are."

To learn more about the workshops, see the media coverage below:


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