Thank you to La Moye Golf Club for choosing Les Amis as its 2024 Charity of the Year.
Our Head of Charitable Income & Partnerships, Yenni Kusumo, thanked La Moye Golf Club for welcoming Les Amis into their beautiful clubhouse, providing an opportunity for Les Amis to get to know its members and, likewise, for them to learn more about the charity.
Last week, members from our Board of Trustees and Directors attended the Club's announcement of their 2024 Club Charity of the Year and Lady Captain. Her first drive of the year kicked off the Club's charitable commitment to Les Amis this year, with a sweepstake. Cathy's drive reached a whopping 157 yards. The winner of the sweepstake kindly donated her prize money to Les Amis as well.
We look forward to working with La Moye Golf Club throughout the year to raise awareness and funds for Les Amis, in support of learning-disabled Islanders.
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Les Amis Limited Registered Charity No. 232 | LA Incorporated No.231 | Association of Jersey Charities Number: AJC 113