

Providing the best standard of residential services tailored to the diverse needs of the residents we support.


Within the respite service friends are made, confidence is built, and a freedom of expression encouraged.


A bespoke, person-centred service specifically designed to meet the needs of the individual


A social enterprise initiative that supports employment for our service users and local environmental demands.

How you can help


Giving is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference.


Community presence and community participation are fundamental in all we do here at Les Amis.

Corporate Partnerships

Investing in a local charity offers benefits to not only the charity, but to the organisation making the investment.


Without the generosity of the public, the lives of Les Amis’ residents would not be as full.


Your legacy can continue to make a real difference to people’s lives.

About Les Amis

Our Organisation

Les Amis – supporting and empowering Islanders with learning disabilities since 1975.

Our Board and Trustees

The leadership team ensures that Les Amis continues to deliver and improve its high-quality care services.

Les Amis is James and Amy

Les Amis’ love birds let us in on their meet-cute story over a pint at their local.

Les Amis is Martin and Alex

Colleagues and teammates: Saving the world by day and saving goals for Les Amis FC by night.

Les Amis is Sinead and Tia

Meet more Les Amis Legends: One is on a journey of independence; the other, career development - both supported by Les Amis.

Les Amis is Simon and Paul

Get to know our Les Amis Legends – this father and son duo is supported by and supports Les Amis.

Complex Needs Nursing Care Unit update

Oct 22, 2018

Hopefully, you’ve heard of our plans to build and run a Complex Needs Nursing Care Unit in Jersey. The reason the Island requires such a unit is clear: we know that around 1,600 people are currently living with a form of dementia in Jersey, but probably only half of them have received a diagnosis. We also know that the number of people with dementia is likely to double in the next 20 years as Islanders live longer and more of us reach old age.

If we consider that people with learning disabilities are five times more likely to develop dementia than the general population, then the above statistics become very worrying for Les Amis, the people we support and the Island in general. It is why this new unit is not just desirable, but essential.

Dementia nursing facilities in Jersey are currently full and there’s very little capacity for adults with complex needs. The new unit will provide long-term residential accommodation to adults with learning disabilities who have nursing needs and may have also developed complex needs or dementia.

You’ll probably also be aware that, up until last year, we did have a site earmarked for the unit in St Clement, which would have been built by the Jersey Homes Trust as part of a bigger residential project on an old farm complex. Unfortunately, Planning rejected our application, so we had to go back to the drawing board. We are incredibly grateful for the Jersey Homes Trust’s support on this project, who stood by our side right up to the final refusal.

Although we still need to find a suitable site, we’re confident we soon will, so our plans are moving on unhindered. Our fundraising continues: we have already raised, or been pledged, over £340,000, with a £500,000 target, so we’re definitely moving in the right direction. Clearly we still need more funds, so we’re actively engaging with potential investors and raising funds in practical and innovative ways. Next month’s raffle of a new Volkswagen Camper van is a perfect example of effective fundraising that thousands of Islanders want to be a part of.

Of course, the demand for complex needs care doesn’t go away just because we don’t yet have a unit. We’re recruiting heavily at the moment, not only to make sure we can address current – and rising – demand, but also to ensure that we are fully prepared for when the new unit is built. Our plans remain fully supported by the States. Amongst other roles, we are currently recruiting for a Senior Nurse, who will be able to strengthen the care we provide and will be instrumental in the co-ordination of staff for the Complex Needs Nursing Care Unit.

Whilst I can’t yet share when and where the new unit will be built, I can assure you that our focus is as clear as it always has been; we are fundraising, we are recruiting and we are actively preparing for our next exciting chapter.


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