

Providing the best standard of residential services tailored to the diverse needs of the residents we support.


Within the respite service friends are made, confidence is built, and a freedom of expression encouraged.


A bespoke, person-centred service specifically designed to meet the needs of the individual


A social enterprise initiative that supports employment for our service users and local environmental demands.

How you can help


Giving is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference.


Community presence and community participation are fundamental in all we do here at Les Amis.

Corporate Partnerships

Investing in a local charity offers benefits to not only the charity, but to the organisation making the investment.


Without the generosity of the public, the lives of Les Amis’ residents would not be as full.


Your legacy can continue to make a real difference to people’s lives.

About Les Amis

Our Organisation

Les Amis – supporting and empowering Islanders with learning disabilities since 1975.

Our Board and Trustees

The leadership team ensures that Les Amis continues to deliver and improve its high-quality care services.

Les Amis is James and Amy

Les Amis’ love birds let us in on their meet-cute story over a pint at their local.

Les Amis is Martin and Alex

Colleagues and teammates: Saving the world by day and saving goals for Les Amis FC by night.

Les Amis is Sinead and Tia

Meet more Les Amis Legends: One is on a journey of independence; the other, career development - both supported by Les Amis.

Les Amis is Simon and Paul

Get to know our Les Amis Legends – this father and son duo is supported by and supports Les Amis.

World Alzheimer’s Day unites charities Les Amis and Jersey Alzheimer’s Association

Sept 18, 2017

Les Amis and Jersey Alzheimer’s Association are partnering for the first time to raise awareness and fundraise for a common cause: dementia.

Thursday 21September is World Alzheimer’s Day, when the two charities will commit to a year-long partnership, which will include holding events, running activities and sharing knowledge and resources to improve Jersey’s dementia services.

Over 1,400 people in Jersey live with dementia and that figure is increasing with the ageing population.

In the UK, 225,000 people will develop dementia this year, the equivalent of one person every three minutes. The rapid rise in the degenerative disease has prompted Les Amis and Jersey Alzheimer’s to unite.

Shaun Findlay, Managing Director of Les Amis, said: “Dementia does not discriminate, everyone and anyone can be affected. This is why we’ve partnered with Jersey Alzheimer’s to raise awareness and funds for dementia care. Our residents are five times more likely to develop dementia, which is one of the reasons we are in the process of fundraising to build a nursing and complex needs unit.”

Mark Blamey, Manager at Jersey Alzheimer’s Association, said: “Dementia is likely to touch most of us at some point so a unified approach to raise awareness and funds, and identify better ways of supporting people with the condition, is paramount. Les Amis’ experience of dealing with some of the Island’s most vulnerable residents gives the charity real insight that Jersey Alzheimer’s can benefit from. We welcome a number of Les Amis residents to our services, including our weekly Musical Memories music therapy activity at St Saviour’s Parish Hall.”

Fundraising plans for the partnership include a joint Swimarathon session and organising a charity walk next summer.

Les Amis’ corporate partner ZEDRA will also support Jersey Alzheimer’s Association throughout October, November and December this year.


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